
URL: www.hotelnorman.comEntreprise, organisme : BH VignySiège social : 9 Rue Balzac 75008 ParisTelephone: +33 (0)1 42 99 80\\\nCapital social : 2 911 047,00€TVA : FR15901495788\nSIRET : 90149578800035\nNuméro de RCS : 901 495 788 R.C.S. NanterreObjectif du site : Promotion de l'établissement\nDirecteur de la publication, représentant légal : BH Hotels représentée par son directeur général Christelle Grisoni\nResponsible éditorial : Nicolas EGLOFF\nWeb master, design, editing, art direction: SAS WIHP\nPhotography: MrTipper, Yann Deret\nWeb hosting: Cendyn France SAS\nCompany status: SAS\nRCS: Paris 509 986 188\nSIREN: 50998618800019\nVAT: FR 80 509 986 188\nShare capital: 8000 eurosHead office:\n77 rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine 75011 Paris FranceEmail: contact@wihphotels.comTelephone: +33 1 53 46 10 60President of Cendyn France SAS: Michael Bennett

H Hosting: Amazon - Seattle, Washington, USAThis site presents:\nAn informative content\nAn online data collectionLoi informatique et liberté : le site fait l\\n'objet d\\'une déclaration auprès de la Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté. You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (art. 34 of the French Data Protection Act). To exercise this right, please contact: Property: This site and the information it contains are protected by French intellectual property law and international conventions. Except for use within the family circle or for private use, the site and no element of its content may be reproduced, republished, retranscribed, modified or retransmitted without the prior authorization of the copyright holders.\nCONDITIONS OF SALE APPLY TO ALL RESERVATIONS MADE AT HOTEL NORMAN, BY AN INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMER.\n1. Preamble1. The purpose of these terms and conditions is to define the terms and conditions under which Hôtel Norman allows its customers (hereinafter referred to as "the Customer(s)") to benefit from all of the available Services, particularly reservations.\n- On site www.hotelnorman.comBH Vigny SAS operates the Hôtel Norman reservation site. This Internet site enables you to book rooms at the hotel by telephone on +33 (0)1 47 20 41 73 or on site at the hotel reception desk through the agencies selected by Hôtel Norman through its partners2. Any reservation made via the website implies consultation and full and unreserved acceptance of the present general terms and conditions, as well as of the conditions of sale of the rate reserved, as expressly mentioned in the description of the rate selected at the time of reservation.The Customer must confirm by ticking the box, having read and accepted the present general terms and conditions and the conditions of sale of the rate reserved before definitively validating his reservation; no reservation is possible without this agreement.For all other reservation methods, the Customer receives the general terms and conditions of sale with the confirmation of his reservation. Confirmation of the reservation implies adherence to the present terms and conditions of sale and complete and unreserved acceptance of their provisions.3. The customer has the option of saving and editing the present terms and conditions using the standard functions of his browser or computer.4. The Site contains the following information:\n- the legal notice enabling precise identification of the company BH Vigny SAS and indicating its corporate name, its registered office, its individual identification number for value added tax purposes,\n- the e-mail address and telephone number enabling contact with Hotel Norman,\\the essential characteristics of the accommodations offered by Hôtel Norman,the essential characteristics of the complementary and optional services offered,the prices including all taxes,the conditions of sale of the reserved rate,the terms of payment,the general conditions of sale,the period of validity of the offers and their price.\\n5. The Customer, prior to the reservation, declares that this reservation is made for his/her personal needs. The Customer, by his status of consumer, has specific rights, which would be called into question in the hypothesis where the reserved Services would not be for personal purposes.\n6. All information communicated on the site is presented in French as well as in other foreign languages.7. The Customer declares that he/she has full legal capacity to commit to these terms and conditions. Any reservation made by a minor (between 16 and 18 years of age) can only be taken into account by Hôtel Norman after obtaining a signed release from the legal representatives of the minor making the reservation and any accompanying minors. Hotel Norman reserves the right to request any proof necessary to authenticate the signature on the release form.2. DefinitionsFor the remainder of this document, the terms below shall have the following meanings:\n- "Reservation Summary": dematerialized document summarizing the characteristics of the Services selected by the Customer on the website. This document precedes the Customer's acceptance of the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale and the Customer's entry of his/her bank details in the case of prepayment or a guarantee.\n- "Reservation Confirmation": dematerialized document sent to the Customer to inform him/her that his/her reservation has been taken into account, which summarizes the characteristics of the Services reserved by the Customer on the\n- "Customer": natural person acting exclusively for his or her own personal needs. "Conditions of sale of the reserved rate": Price applied to the date selected by the Customer for a category of room with or without the breakfast option, associated with its payment conditions, its conditions for changing reservation dates or reserved Services and its cancellation conditions.\\Reservation request": reservation request for rooms, products and Services at Hotel Norman, made by the Customer.Partners": refers to any Service provider who has entered into a Service provision contract or partnership agreement with Hotel Norman.Service": reservation for rooms, products and Services at Hotel Norman made by the Customer.Site": refers to the Internet site Purpose1. These terms and conditions define the rights and obligations of the Customer and the company operating the Hôtel Norman for all types of reservations (including remote reservations) for Services offered by the Hôtel Norman.\n2. They govern all stages necessary for the reservation and follow-up of the reservation between the contracting parties.3. The customer acknowledges having read and accepted these terms and conditions of sale and the terms and conditions of sale of the rate booked.\n4. ModificationsBH Hotels SAS reserves the right to modify or supplement all or part of these terms and conditions of sale at any time. In this case, the new version of the general conditions will be available on the Site with its effective date. Customers are advised to consult the general terms and conditions of sale regularly to take note of any changes. In any event, the Customer will only be bound by the version of the general terms and conditions in force at the time when the Customer makes the reservation for his Service.\nBH Vigny SAS is not responsible for damages of any kind that may result from these changes and/or from the temporary unavailability or even the definitive closure of all or part of the Site or the Services associated with it, such as the online reservation space, the private space, the unavailability of the reservation center.\n5. Reservation1. The Customer chooses Services from those offered by Hotel Norman according to his or her needs.2. The Customer declares that he/she has obtained from Hotel Norman all the information necessary to make his/her choice and proceed with the reservation.3. The Customer acknowledges having taken cognizance of the nature, price, destination and booking terms of the Services available and having requested and obtained the necessary and/or additional information, in particular the Conditions of Sale for the rate booked, in order to make the booking with full knowledge of the facts.\n4. The Customer may reserve, on an individual basis, a maximum of three (4) rooms per reservation on the Site. For reservations of a greater number of rooms, the Customer may contact the sales team at Customers are solely responsible for their choice of Services and their suitability for their needs, and Hotel Norman cannot be held liable in this respect.\n6. The reservation is deemed accepted by the Customer at the end of the reservation process.7. All reservations are nominative and may under no circumstances be transferred to a third party, whether free of charge or in return for payment. Any reservation made for a third party must be made in the name of the third party holding the reservation.6. Booking process1. Reservations made by the customer are made directly online on the Site or via the reservations department on +33 (0)1 47 20 41 73.2. The reservation request is confirmed as soon as the Customer receives the Reservation Confirmation sent by Hotel Norman.3. The Customer undertakes, prior to any reservation, to complete the compulsory information requested when creating the reservation file.4. The Customer attests to the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided.5. The reservation procedure includes the following stages:\\Step 1 - Choice of room and conditions of sale of the reserved rate,Step 2 - Selection, where applicable, of one or more additional services offered,Step 3 - Presentation of the summary of the reservation, its total price, Conditions of sale for the rate booked, including in particular payment and cancellation conditions, modifications if necessary to the choice of services (date, room, rate, additional service), and information concerning tourist tax,\n- Step 4 - Registration of contact details by the Customer,\n- Step 5 - General conditions of sale:\nOn the Site, the Customer confirms, by checking the box, that he/she has read and accepts the present General Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions of sale of the rate reserved before definitively validating his/her reservation; no reservation is possible without this agreement.\nFor all other booking methods, the customer receives the general sales conditions with the booking confirmation. Confirmation of the reservation implies adherence to the present terms and conditions of sale and complete and unreserved acceptance of their provisions.\n- Step 6 - Recording of credit card numbers in the event of a guarantee or prepayment request,\n- Step 7 - Confirmation and validation of the reservation and payment by the Customer. Entering the bank details constitutes acceptance by the Customer and has the effect of contractually committing him/her to Hôtel Norman.\n- Step 8 - Receipt by the Customer of the e-mail confirming his/her reservation. This e-mail summarizes the date of the reservation, the Services booked, the prices including VAT and details of applicable taxes, the Conditions of Sale for the rate booked (including cancellation conditions), accepted by the Customer, the general conditions of sale and the address of Hôtel Norman.\nFailing receipt of the confirmation e-mail within 24 hours of the Reservation, it is the Customer's responsibility to contact Hôtel Norman to ensure that the information provided is correct and that the reservation has been taken into account.\n7. Cancellation or modification by the Customer1. In accordance with article L. 221-28-12 of the French Consumer Code, the customer is reminded that he/she does not have the right of retraction provided for in article L. 221-18 of the French Consumer Code.2. The Conditions of Sale for the fare booked and accepted by the Customer specify the terms and conditions for cancelling and/or modifying the booking. Reservations with prepayment for a non-refundable and non-cancellable rate cannot be modified or cancelled.3. In the case of reservations with prepayment for a non-refundable, non-cancellable fare, there is no refund for interruption of stay.4. Cancellation of a reservation made on the Site can be made directly on the Site via the "Your reservations" section, or with the Hotel Norman. For reservations made with the Hotel Norman, cancellation can only be made with the aforementioned hotel.\n- Changes to the reservation can be made directly with the Hotel Norman, whose telephone number is specified on the confirmation e-mail received by the Customer.\\In the event of a "no show", i.e., a reservation that has not been cancelled but for which the customer has not shown up at Hotel Norman on the scheduled arrival date, and insofar as the reservation has been guaranteed by credit card or prepaid, Hotel Norman will debit, as compensation, the amount of one night reserved, or will not refund the amount paid as prepayment. If more than one night is booked, the cancellation policy will apply in accordance with the Conditions of Sale for the rate booked.8. Cancellation by the HotelIn the event that the reserved room cannot be made available to the Customer, or in the event of an exceptional event or force majeure, Hotel Norman may offer the Customer an alternative accommodation solution or, failing this, a refund of the full amount paid for the stay. The alternative accommodation offered will be in a hotel of at least equivalent category, or if it is of a lower category, a room of a higher standard than that originally booked, for services of the same nature. Any additional costs associated with this relocation, for services of the same nature, will be borne by the Norman Hotel originally booked. In the event of a relocation procedure, the customer may also request cancellation of the reservation, in which case an immediate refund will be made.9. Staying at Hotel Norman1. All guests must present valid identification at check-in. If they fail to do so, Hôtel Norman may refuse to rent them a room and/or cancel the reservation they have made without the possibility, where applicable, of a refund, in accordance with the Conditions of Sale for the rate booked.\nForeign guests, including accompanying persons and teenagers over the age of 15, must complete an "individual police form". Children under 15 may appear on the card of an accompanying adult. The information contained in these forms is governed by article R.611-42 of the French Code de l'Entrée et du Séjour des Etrangers et du Droit d'Asile (Entry and Residence Code for Foreigners and the Right of Asylum).\nCustomers may not bring third parties into the room without the express authorization of Hotel Norman, which reserves the right to carry out any necessary checks.\n2. Cats and dogs are welcome, provided they are kept on a leash in all common areas of the establishment, it being understood that Hotel Norman may refuse to accept any pet or other animal likely to present a safety risk to other occupants, the assessment of this risk being left to the discretion of Hotel Norman. For reasons of hygiene, animals are not allowed in the restaurant areas (these provisions do not apply to guide or assistance dogs). To ensure peace and quiet, animals must not be left unattended. A supplement may be charged for each animal; please refer to the Site for details of acceptance procedures. 3. The Customer accepts and undertakes to make reasonable use of the room and common areas provided. Any behavior contrary to the principles of safety and/or hygiene, good morals and/or public order may lead Hotel Norman to ask the Customer to leave the establishment, without reimbursement.4. Any damage caused by the customer or by the occupants of the room or in the various areas occupied by the customer during the stay, must be reported to the hotel reception or to the person in charge, and may be billed directly to the customer for the cost of repair.\nFor safety reasons and out of respect for everyone, smoking is strictly forbidden on the hotel premises. In accordance with the provisions of the French Public Health Code, which sets out the conditions for the application of the ban on smoking in places designated for collective use, smoking in the hotel exposes the customer to the fine stipulated for third-class offences, or to prosecution.Penalties equal to a maximum of the price of the room booked may be applied if the customer does not respect the notice forbidding smoking in the room.5. The Hotel Norman has its own rules and regulations for the use of its customers. The Customer accepts and agrees to abide by the aforementioned rules, the provisions of which apply both to the Customer and to any occupant of the Customer's property. In the event of a breach of the aforementioned regulations, Hotel Norman may immediately evict the customer and all persons sharing his or her stay, without compensation and/or without reimbursement if payment has already been made. It may also refuse the customer any future reservations, as well as all other hotels in the group.\n6. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the Customer must leave the room before 12.00 p.m. on the day the reservation ends. Failure to do so will result in an additional night's charge.7. In the context of a health crisis or any other exceptional circumstance, if measures restricting access or even prohibiting the use of certain areas open to the public are taken by the Government or any other competent authority, the Customer is informed that Hôtel Norman may not make certain services other than accommodation available (access to the restaurant, swimming pool, gym, spa, etc.) or may only make these services available in part, without Hôtel Norman being held liable. Hôtel Norman will use its best efforts to bring this information to the attention of the Customer on the Site and/or on any other medium, as soon as possible.\nThe Customer may not claim any refund of the price paid or any discount.\n10. Liability1. The photographs presented on the Site are not contractual. Although every effort is made to ensure that the photographs, graphic representations and texts reproduced to illustrate the Hotel Norman give as accurate an idea as possible of the accommodation services offered, variations may occur, particularly due to changes in furniture or possible renovations. The customer is not entitled to any claim in this respect.2. In accordance with the laws and regulations governing intellectual property rights, the use and/or reproduction of all or part of the elements making up the offers presented on the Site are strictly forbidden, as is any reproduction of the decor and/or characteristic elements of Hôtel Norman.\nIn order to respect the privacy and image rights of other Hôtel Norman guests, the Customer agrees not to take photographs of them on the premises of the Hotel or its outbuildings and/or to publish photographs taken under such conditions.\n3. Hôtel Norman shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the actions of a third party, the Customer or Hôtel Norman's partners.4. Hypertext links may lead to other Hôtel Norman sites. Hôtel Norman accepts no responsibility for the content of these sites or the services offered. BH Vigny SAS has implemented measures to protect and secure its information system against malicious acts. However, connecting to the Site and making a reservation implies that the Customer is aware of and accepts the characteristics and limits of the Internet, the lack of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation or piracy or the risk of contamination by any viruses circulating on the network. BH Vigny SAS declines all responsibility in the event of misuse or incident linked to the use of the computer or any support allowing access to the Internet, maintenance or malfunction of the website or any other technical connection and the sending of information to an erroneous address.5. Any reservation or payment that is irregular, inoperative, incomplete or fraudulent for a reason attributable to the Customer will result in the cancellation of the order at the Customer's expense, without prejudice to any civil or criminal action against the latter.6. Hotel Norman reserves the right to refuse to receive or to expel, without refund, customers whose dress is indecent, whose clothing is intended to conceal the face (Law N°2010-1192 of October 11, 2010), customers whose behavior is noisy, improper or alcoholic, customers whose behavior is contrary to hygiene, morality and public order. Correct dress is required in the restaurants and in the public areas of the hotel. The customer must be courteous and respectful towards the hotel staff. Under penalty of exclusion without reimbursement, the Customer must refrain from any verbal or physical violence, any racist behavior or remarks, as well as any form of harassment.11. Prices1. Prices relating to the reservation of Services are communicated before and at the time of reservation.2. Prices are per room for the number of people and date(s) selected. Unless otherwise stated, additional services (breakfast, half board, full board, etc.) are not included in the price. Prices include VAT applicable on the day of booking, and any change in the VAT rate will automatically be reflected in the prices indicated on the invoice date.3. Prices are confirmed to the Customer inclusive of all taxes, in the Hotel's commercial currency (the Euro), which in some cases may differ from the establishment's local currency. Prices quoted are valid for a specific period only. All reservations are payable in the hotel's local currency. If a rate requires payment to be made at the Norman Hotel in a currency other than that confirmed on the reservation, the customer is responsible for any exchange charges (conversion and bank fees). Please note that if a conversion of the currency confirmed on the reservation into another currency appears, it is given purely as an indication and is non-contractual, particularly in view of possible changes in exchange rates between the date of reservation and the date of stay at the establishment.\n5. The tourist tax, and any other taxes specific to the communes indicated for each rate, must be paid directly to the hotel, except in the case of online prepayment, where this amount may be included.\n6. Any modification or introduction of new legal or regulatory taxes imposed by the competent authorities will automatically be reflected in the prices indicated at the time of invoicing. Indeed, prices may be increased by different taxes depending on the city/country. These taxes will be communicated to the Customer at the time of booking, if they are known to the Hotel at that time. Otherwise, they will be displayed at the reception desk of the Norman Hotel. The Customer undertakes to pay the various taxes, without any dispute, to the Hotel Norman.12. Payment1. The Customer provides his or her payment details either (i) to prepay the reservation before the stay, or (ii) as a guarantee for the reservation in the event of a "no show". In the case of a bank card, the information required is: the bank card number, with no spaces between the digits, the date of validity (it is specified that the bank card used must be valid at the time of the stay) and the visual cryptogram in the case of prepayment.Hotel Norman has chosen SyStemPay to secure remote prepayments. The customer's payment card is subject to security checks (outstanding balance, country of card, country of IP address......) by the designated partner, and may be refused for a number of reasons: stolen or blocked card, limit reached, input error, etc. In the event of a problem, the Customer should contact his bank on the one hand, and the Establishment or any other entity, on the other, to confirm his reservation of the Service and his method of payment.The means of online payment available and communicated, may be Visa and Mastercard, American Express, etc. This list is subject to change. This list is subject to change.2. Payment is debited at the Hotel Norman during your stay, except in the case of special conditions or rates where payment is debited at the time of booking (prepayment on certain rates).3. In the case of payment at Hotel Norman, the latter may accept different means of payment, but the customer must present the bank card used to guarantee the reservation or make the prepayment to the establishment in order to verify the customer's identity. Hotel Norman may also ask the Customer to show proof of identity in order to prevent credit card fraud.4. Cash payments may not exceed 1,000 euros. If the Customer's tax domicile is outside France, cash payments may not exceed 15,000 euros.\nIf the Customer has not prepaid his or her stay, the Establishment will ask the Customer, upon arrival, for a security deposit or authorization to debit the bank card to guarantee the stay, corresponding to the total amount of the nights booked, plus a flat-rate amount of 100 euros per person per day to guarantee extras. This same guarantee will be required from third-party guests.\nIf the Customer has prepaid his or her stay, the Establishment may ask the Customer for a lump sum per person and per day to guarantee the extras.\nFor remote sales made by telephone, the customer is informed that he or she must sign the merchant ticket upon arrival at the Hotel Norman.\n5. At the time of prepayment, the amount that is debited at the time of reservation includes: the price of the accommodation, taxes related to the accommodation, the price of the restaurant if breakfast is chosen, taxes related to the restaurant and any other additional services selected by the Customer excluding tourist tax and/or any other tax that may be due as a result of the Customer's stay in the Hotel.\n13. Personal data1. Your personal data requested as part of your reservation, i.e. your title, surname, first name, postal address, telephone number with country code, e-mail address, payment card details (number, type of card, name of holder, expiry date and cryptogram if transmitted to us) as well as any data communicated or generated by your navigation constitute confidential data.\n2. It is only accessible to BH Vigny SAS, BH Hotels SAS, and to our subcontractor in charge of managing our "reservations" pages, and is used for the purpose of processing your reservations and stays and; provided that you have accepted by ticking the corresponding box, to send you our newsletter, or to respond to your requests or communicate commercial offers. They are kept for the time necessary to the commercial relationship established between the Customer and BH Vigny SAS.3. Certain information requested in the forms is mandatory and is indicated by an asterisk. If you choose not to provide this information, we will not be able to process your request.\n4. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data, as well as the right to request a restriction on the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to oppose the processing of your data for legitimate reasons, the right to oppose the processing of your data for commercial prospecting purposes, and the right to give us instructions on what to do with your data after your death.\\To find out more about the processing of your data and all your rights concerning your personal data, please consult our privacy policy, available below. To exercise these rights, please contact the Hôtel Norman data protection officer either by post, at 9 Rue Balzac, Paris (75008) - France, or by e-mail at l'Hôtel Norman - France. or by e-mail at Proof agreement1. Entering the required banking information, as well as accepting the present general terms and conditions and the reservation form or request, constitutes acceptance of the hotel contract between the parties, having the same value as a handwritten signature.2. The computerized registers kept in the computer systems of BH Vigny SAS will be preserved in reasonable conditions of security and considered as proof of communications, orders and payments between the parties.15. Force majeureBH Vigny SAS cannot be held responsible towards the Customer in the event of non-performance of its obligations resulting from an event of force majeure.Likewise, the Customer cannot be held responsible towards BH Vigny SAS in the event of non-performance of its obligations resulting from an event of force majeure.Cases of force majeure or fortuitous event are considered to be those usually recognized by the French Courts.16. Applicable lawThese general conditions of sale are governed by French law.17. Entirety1. The present General Terms and Conditions of Sale, the conditions of sale of the fare booked by the Customer, and the booking confirmation express the entirety of the obligations of the parties.2. No general or specific condition communicated by the Customer may be integrated into the present general conditions.3. The documents forming the contractual commitments between the parties are, in decreasing order of priority, the reservation form or request (including the special conditions of the reserved fare) having been validated by the Customer and the present general conditions.4. In the event of contradiction between the booking confirmation and the present general terms and conditions, the provisions appearing on the booking confirmation will be the only ones applicable to the obligation in question.18. Mediation1. Hotel Norman informs the customer of the possibility of resorting to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative dispute resolution method in the event of a dispute relating to these terms and conditions, in accordance with the conditions laid down in Title I of Book VI of the French Consumer Code.2. After having contacted the customer service department or the hotel in an attempt to resolve the dispute amicably, and in the event of a negative response or the absence of a response within sixty (60) days from the date of referral, the customer may refer the matter to the Médiateur du Tourisme et du Voyage (Tourism and Travel Mediator) if he/she feels he/she must contest the hotelier's decision, by contacting AME Conso, 197 Boulevard Saint-Germain 75007 Paris or online The Mediation officer may be contacted within twelve (12) months of the first complaint. BH Vigny SAS also informs the customer of the existence of a European platform for Online Dispute Resolution ("ODR") to which he/she may have recourse. The customer can access this platform via the following link:\nConditions Générales de Vente updated on 26/09/2024.